The effect of perceived service fairness toward relationship quality and switching intention (a case study of patient from X generation and Y generation in a hospital)




Perceived service fairness; Relationship quality; Switching intention; Hospital.


This research was conducted with the hypothesis of the influence of perceived service fairness (which consists of price fairness, procedural fairness, interactional fairness and outcome fairness) variables on relationship quality (consisting of trust and commitment variables) and switching intention and their differences in generation X and Y. Survey was conducted to find out the factors that affect the switching intention patient behaviour and it is found that the physician factor is the dominant factor. The study was conducted at one of the hospitals in Central Jakarta which using 524 respondents, who were included in the criteria of 600 target respondents, of which 40% generation X and 60% generation Y, the study is using qualitative and quantitative research, and the type of research is exploratory research. This study is using PLS-SEM analysis method. It obtained results, which are far different from the existing reference, where the hypothesis of perceived fairness and service relationship qualilty with switching intention are all rejected. The differences between generation X and Y, A relationship of trust with switching intention in, it is found that price fairness is related to commitment in generation X, vice versa in Y generation. It concluded that in some input for hospital management and provides thoughts on the need for other studies in hospitals that have different characteristics from the study sites as the need for deeper research related to physician factors.


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How to Cite

FERDIANS, A.; ANDRIAN, N.; MUHAJAT, M. H. The effect of perceived service fairness toward relationship quality and switching intention (a case study of patient from X generation and Y generation in a hospital). Research, Society and Development, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 8, p. e482986265, 2020. DOI: 10.33448/rsd-v9i8.6265. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 may. 2024.



Human and Social Sciences